HEM sponsors room in Sticris women

HEM sponsors room in Sticris women's shelter

Since 1985, the Sticris foundation has provided shelter for women and children who are victims of domestic violence. Nine years ago the Women's Shelter unfortunately went up in smoke, causing this important social institution to disappear. With the help of many people and organizations, a new building has been built for which the Chairman of Sticris, Heidy Cederboom, is very grateful. It has become a beautiful and very practical building, painted in an uplifting orange color, which, according to future director Mildred Pinas, stands for safety. Security, which is reflected in 24-hour security, but also in proper guidance by mental and physical health profesionals who help the women and their children in need. The goal is to find a better permanent living situation. In addition to construction, money is of course required for exploitation. HEM Suriname N.V. attaches great importance to the function that this Shelter fulfills and has committed itself to "adopt" one of the 13 rooms and thereby contribute to the operational costs of the shelter. For more information or if you would also like to contribute to this important Women's Shelter: www.sticris.com

HEM Suriname N.V.

Hendrikstraat 281
Paramaribo - Suriname
Tel: 472351
WhatsApp: 8641870

Hollandsche Export
Maatschappij B.V.

Corn. Verolmeweg 17,
2171 KV Sassenheim
P.O. Box 208, 2160 AE Lisse
Tel: + 31 (0) 252 23 00 14


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